K&C Kekäläinen & Company: Vieras – Främling – Stranger

24.2.-9.3.2019, Cirko – Center for New Circus, Kojehuone (building 8), Suvilahti

Vieras – Främling – Stranger is a polyphonic work which envisages the meaning of strange and uncanny in our time.

The work – an event – is a manifesto of uncertainty, fragility, queerness, drifting, uncanny and love.

Strangeness and alterity resist the contemporary self-oriented form of life. They conceive differences, fractures and diversity that are substrating life itself.

Stuttering as a metaphor permeates and intertwines the work and traverses all its structures. Stuttering molds strange configurations and a philosophical framework on which the works grounds.

Recognition and sharing of the Private are significating components of the structure and meaning of the work. The Private is a locus in which the encounter with the Other is possible. It is a locus of sharing. The Private is vulnerable and contingent.

The work, the event, grows within the mode of the Private in which sound, light, sculpture and writing intertwines with a human being who moves, contemplates, senses, speaks and stutters to encounter with the Other, to share the sensation of being.

- Sanna Kekäläinen

24.2. klo 15 - Premiere
26.2. klo 19
28.2. klo 19
2.3. klo 19
5.3. klo 19
7.3. klo 19
9.3. klo 19

17 € / 27 €, holvi.com/shop/kekalainencompany
Reservations and info: kc(at)kekalainencompany.net or tel. +358 50 471 6656 on Tue-Thu at 11-15.