Cirko: Tenho


Contemporary circus performance Tenho (Glimmer) refers to memories and images of the old circus; sweat, dust, torsion, constant exertion and self-torture. Pure stage gives a conflicting background for two performers. Bunch of rough old tricks and odd stunts are performed with bare skill and simple expression.

The members of Agit-Cirk work in circus arts, music and poetry. Their mission is to create and produce unique and modern high-level multidisciplinary circus arts performances.

Concept and performers: Jenni Lehtinen, Sasu Peistola
Director: Sakari Männistö
Lightning design: Ainu Palmu
Sound design: Sakari Männistö
Music: Moondog
Production: Agit-Cirk

Wed 22.10. 19:00
Fri 24.10. 19:00
Sat 25.10. 19:00

Photo: Antti Suniala